Carlyne Quirino, Teacher

Carlyne experienced her first power yoga class in 2008, when her then-boyfriend took her to a class at Amazing Yoga in Pittsburgh. Together they explored Ashtanga and Baptiste yoga while living in St. Louis. When they returned to the steel city, she frequented Amazing Yoga until relocating to Erie when her now-husband took a job with Penn State Behrend. They joined the community at yogaErie in 2014, which also grew to include their daughter (who took many of Jill’s classes while still in utero). Carlyne completed Level 1 Teacher Training with Amazing Yoga in September of 2016 and joined the team at yE in 2019.

For Carlyne, yoga is an invitation to learn more about the self, through the physical exploration of space and body. She is grateful for the opportunity to connect with others through movement, music, and laughter. Carlyne lives in Millcreek with her husband Evan and their daughter.